Standards, Methods, & Ethics
I have a number of projects designed to improve standards, methods, and ethics in the social sciences.
8. External Validity for Social Inquiry. Under contract at Cambridge University Press. (With Michael Denly and Kyosuke Kikuta.)
7. Findley, Michael, Sara Lowe, and Faten Ghosn. ``Exploited Subjects: Vulnerability in Human Subjects Research.'' (With Sara Lowe and Faten Ghosn). Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. [.pdf here]
6. "External Validity." Annual Review of Political Science. (With Kyosuke Kikuta and Michael Denly.) [.pdf here]
5. Liu, Amy H., Michael G. Findley, David Leal, Raul L. Madrid, Eric L. McDaniel, God'swill Osa, Tasha Philpot, Brooke Shannon, Zeynep Somer-Topcu, Chris Wlezien. 2023. ``Normalizing Diversity in Merit Review Forms.'' PS: Political Science and Politics. [.pdf here]
4. Together with Nathan Jensen, Edmund Malesky, and Tom Pepsinsky, we edited a special issue of Comparative Political Studies on preregistration and results-blind reviewing. The full issue is located here. Original call for papers here. Also see blog posts on Monkey Cage here and here.
3. My work on anonymous shell corporations was among the first to pre-register the design ahead of the research. See EGAP registry [here]: ID: [0] 20110302AA.
2. In 2012, I coauthored (with Macartan Humphreys and Jeremy Weinstein) a proposal for a pilot registry in political science. See document [.pdf here].
1. Below I provide a status update on projects that are/were not published. This is still evolving. The idea is to provide a more complete accounting of all projects, including those that failed for various reasons. The rationale: if we try to understand the state of a literature based solely on published findings, then we will end up with a biased view. As a field, we need to be more complete in our reporting of all analyses we try, why projects fail, and so forth. [TBA]
8. External Validity for Social Inquiry. Under contract at Cambridge University Press. (With Michael Denly and Kyosuke Kikuta.)
7. Findley, Michael, Sara Lowe, and Faten Ghosn. ``Exploited Subjects: Vulnerability in Human Subjects Research.'' (With Sara Lowe and Faten Ghosn). Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. [.pdf here]
6. "External Validity." Annual Review of Political Science. (With Kyosuke Kikuta and Michael Denly.) [.pdf here]
5. Liu, Amy H., Michael G. Findley, David Leal, Raul L. Madrid, Eric L. McDaniel, God'swill Osa, Tasha Philpot, Brooke Shannon, Zeynep Somer-Topcu, Chris Wlezien. 2023. ``Normalizing Diversity in Merit Review Forms.'' PS: Political Science and Politics. [.pdf here]
4. Together with Nathan Jensen, Edmund Malesky, and Tom Pepsinsky, we edited a special issue of Comparative Political Studies on preregistration and results-blind reviewing. The full issue is located here. Original call for papers here. Also see blog posts on Monkey Cage here and here.
3. My work on anonymous shell corporations was among the first to pre-register the design ahead of the research. See EGAP registry [here]: ID: [0] 20110302AA.
2. In 2012, I coauthored (with Macartan Humphreys and Jeremy Weinstein) a proposal for a pilot registry in political science. See document [.pdf here].
1. Below I provide a status update on projects that are/were not published. This is still evolving. The idea is to provide a more complete accounting of all projects, including those that failed for various reasons. The rationale: if we try to understand the state of a literature based solely on published findings, then we will end up with a biased view. As a field, we need to be more complete in our reporting of all analyses we try, why projects fail, and so forth. [TBA]