International Development
Works In Progress (available on request):
- Aid in Conflict: Donor Behavior in Conflict-Affected Countries. Book manuscript in progress. (With Susanna Campbell.)
- "The Strategic Logic of Targeting of Aid by Rebel Groups During War." (With Trey Billing, David Backer, and Jiseon Chang)
- "Aversion to Learning in Development? A Global Field Experiment on Microfinance Institutions MFI Experiment." (With Matthew Brigham, William Matthias, Chase Petrey, and Daniel Nielson).
Published (see Publications page):
- "Can Digital Aid Deliver During Humanitarian Crises?" (With Michael Callen, Miguel Fajardo-Steinhäuser, and Tarek Ghani). Management Science. Arxiv. JPAL blog post.
- "Foreign Aid and the Intensity of Violent Armed Conflict." International Studies Quarterly. (With Olgahan Cat, Daniel Strandow, and Joseph Young.)
- "The Swarm Principle: A Sub-national Spatial Analysis of Aid Targeting and Donor Coordination in Sub-Saharan Africa." Stability. (With Josiah Marineau)
- "Does Foreign Aid Build Peace?" Annual Review of Political Science
- "A Spatial Generalized Linear Mixed Model for Examining Efficiency of Foreign Aid Allocation: Evidence from Malawi. The American Statistician. (With Philip White, Candace Berrett, and Shannon Neeley Tass.)
- "The Choice among Aid Donors: The Effects of Multilateral vs. Bilateral Aid on Recipient Behavioral Support." (With Helen Milner and Dan Nielson.) Review of International Organizations.
- "Who Controls Foreign Aid? Elite versus Public Perceptions of Donor Influence in Aid-Dependent Uganda." (With Adam Harris, Helen Milner, and Dan Nielson.) International Organization.
- "Citizen Preferences and Public Goods? A Randomized Study of Citizen Actions Supporting Foreign Aid in Uganda." (With Helen Milner and Dan Nielson.) Review of International Organizations.
- "Malawi's Open Aid Map." (With World Bank, Development Gateway, and Kate Weaver). Report link here.
- "Emerging Donors and the Changing Landscape of Bilateral Aid." In Manuela Moschella and Catherine Weaver (Eds.) Handbook of Global Economic Governance. (With Katherine Kitterman)
- "The Localized Geography of Foreign Aid: A New Dataset and Application to Violent Armed Conflict." 2011. World Development. (With Daniel Strandow, Josh Powell, and Jeff Tanner)
- "More Dollars Than Sense? Refining Our Knowledge of Development Finance Using AidData." World Development. (With Michael Tierney, Daniel Nielson, Darren Hawkins, Timmons Roberts, Ryan Powers, Brad Parks, Sven Wilson, and Rob Hicks.)
- "Can Peace Be Purchased? A Sectoral-Level Analysis of Aid's Influence on Transnational Terrorism" 2011. Public Choice. (With Joe Young)
- "Foreign Aid Shocks as a Cause of Violent Armed Conflict." 2011. American Journal of Political Science. (With Richard Nielsen, Zachary S. Davis, Tara Candland, and Daniel L. Nielson)
- "The UCDP and AidData Codebook on Geo-Referencing Aid, Version 1.1." 2011. UCDP Paper No. 4. (With Daniel Strandow, Dan Nielson, and Josh Powell). [Non-peer reviewed; web link: here]
- "Donor Behavior in Conflict Affected Countries." Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS). $256,000 Consortium Grant. (With the Graduate Institute of Geneva). 2014-2016.
- USAID Higher Education Solutions Network. $25,000,000 Consortium Grant. (With the College of William and Mary, Brigham Young University, Development Gateway, ESRI.)
- Other grants from World Bank, African Development Bank, USAID, DOD-Minerva